Latest Episodes
Navigating the Journey to FI: Real Estate, Retirement, and Financial De-Risking | MHFI 233
Doug and Carl answer questions from the Facebook mailbag. Akshay – I like the concept of giving money away, but I don’t want to...
Consumerism Chaos: Car Prices, Fast Food Inflation, and Tipping Culture | MHFI 232
Doug and Carl chat about various aspects of consumerism including recent trends, rising costs, and the evolving culture of tipping. They discuss the rising...
$60k in Debt to Early Retirement [rebroadcast] | MHFI 231
Doug and Carl chat with Dan Manwaring, a former medical device salesman, who transformed his life from being $60K in debt to retiring early...
Time Share Pitches & FI-Centric Road Tripping | MHFI 230
Doug and Carl catch up to discuss their recent summer adventures. They discuss Carl’s FI-centric road trip & his future travel plans, Doug’s experience...
Mr. Money Mustache on Simplifying Your Finances (Live CampFI) | MHFI 229
Doug and Carl answer a potpourri of audience questions at CampFI Rocky Mountain with help from Mark Trautman (Mark’s Money Mind), Pete Adeney (Mr....
Accidental FI at Age 45 & 48 - Darren & Jolene | MHFI 228
Doug chats with early retirees Jolene & Darren about their path to financial independence and early retirement. The couple shares their experience from 20-year...