Latest Episodes
Bucket Lists and FI – Chris from – MHFI020
Doug and Carl interview Chris, the “Indiana Jones” of the FI community. Chris worked in the startup world before leaving to pursue a series...
Habit Changes for a Successful Life – Kristen Rainey | MHFi 019
Doug and Carl interview Kristen Rainey. Kristen is an amazing human who graduated from Princeton, taught in Indonesia, hiked the Appalachian Trail, worked at...
Listener Mailbag: 4% Rule Details, Podcasts, Apps, and More | MHFi 018
Doug and Carl discuss hiking, guitars, and upcoming conferences they’ll be attending including FInCon and EconoMe. They also discuss their recent adventures at Camp...
Self Publishing Side Hustle to Full-Time | M.K. Williams | MHFi 017
Meet M.K. Williams In Episode 17 of the Mile High FI Podcast, Doug and Carl talk to M.K. Williams, who is both an accomplished...
Creating Camp FI with Stephen Baughier | MHFi 016
Doug and Carl interview Stephen Baughier, the creator of Camp FI. They discuss: The creation of Camp FI The importance of community Future Camp...
Camp FI Rocky Mountain Panel 2021 | MHFi 015
Doug and Carl host a panel of three guests and answer audience questions at Camp FI Rocky Mountain. Also on the stage are Lynn...