Frances and Peter: Coast FI Case Study | MHFI 186

October 24, 2023 01:15:09
Frances and Peter: Coast FI Case Study | MHFI 186
Mile High FI Podcast
Frances and Peter: Coast FI Case Study | MHFI 186

Oct 24 2023 | 01:15:09


Show Notes

Doug and Carl talk to Frances and Peter about their finances. Topics include Coast FI, real estate investing, emergency funds, and civet coffee (google it, we dare you!). Recommendations:
  1. $125,000 in investments is a great start, but suggest getting that number bigger before coasting.
  2. Since their income is good, consider a solo 410(k) to reduce taxable income.
  3. Settle your house situation to get the money off the sidelines.
  4. $40,000 is a lot to have in cash. Consider deploying some of that into investment accounts.
  5. Don’t sacrifice happiness now. Live life, even if it takes a little longer to retire.
Listener Question: What did Doug and Carl get right? What did they get wrong? What advice would you give Frances and Peter? Do you love Mile High FI? Sure you do. We all do, except for that one YouTube troll. But who cares about him anyway. Support us over at Buy Me A Coffee. Links -- Join the Mile High FI Club – It’s our email list! Get MHFi Merch – It helps support the show. Get t-shirts & more **Disclaimer: The podcast is for informational purposes. Maybe entertainment but we won't even make such a claim. You shouldn't take the info as financial, legal, or tax advice. We aren't certified financial planners or advisors. We're not qualified for much. So get advice from professionals.** Brought To You By: The Doug Show, aka Affiliate Marketing & Side Hustles 1500 Days, Carl's Blog about Early Retirement Email us here: [email protected] or [email protected] 0:00 Introduction 1:27 Coffee & asparagus 7:57 Case study background 18:29 Housing Pt. 1 29:33 Frugal in recovery 35:57 Ideal $10MM life 46:30 The numbers 59:09 Housing Pt. 2 1:04:39 Final advice 1:11:57 Soundcheck - The big event

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