Doug and Carl reflect on their paths to financial independence and discuss the advice they would have given their younger selves. Topics include college education/career paths, early savings, retirement account contributions, index fund investing, flexibility across different investments, strong work ethic, resilience, and of course... asparagus.
Do you wish that your younger self found this podcast earlier in life? Well, you can't go back to the past, but there's still time to support us over at Buy Me A Coffee.
LinksDoug chats with Frances a year after her and her husband’s initial appearance on the show. She provides updates on her and Peter’s job...
Doug and Carl interview Diania Merriam, creator of the EconoMe conference. Diania discusses: Discovering Mr. Money Mustache and getting out of $30,000 in debt...
Doug and Carl complain about not complaining. Kind of. Tim Ferriss’s no-complaint experiment Complainy Carl How Doug trained himself the art of not complaining...